JavaScript Data Grid

Row Grouping - Group Footers

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This section shows how to add group footers to show group level totals.

Enabling Group Footers

If you want to include a footer with each group, set the property groupIncludeFooter to true. It is also possible to include a 'grand' total footer for all groups using the property groupIncludeTotalFooter.

const gridOptions = {
    // adds subtotals
    groupIncludeFooter: true,
    // includes grand total
    groupIncludeTotalFooter: true,

    // other grid options ...

Note that these properties can be used together to produce totals across all group levels.

The following example demonstrates these properties. Note the following:

  • Expanding groups reveals subtotal footers as groupIncludeFooter = true.
  • A grand total footer is shown as the groupIncludeTotalFooter = true.
  • The medal totals are aggregated via the aggFunc: 'sum' column property.

Dynamic Group Footers

If you want a group footer to only be enabled for certain groups but not others, you can dynamically specify which groups to add footers for through passing a custom callback function to the property groupIncludeFooter instead of a boolean.

For example, to enable group footers for the second level of groups and groups with name 'France':

const gridOptions = {
    // adds a group footer to the second level of groups and groups with name 'France'
    groupIncludeFooter: (params) => {
       const node = params.node;
       if (node && node.level === 1) return true;
       if (node && node.key === 'France') return true;
       return false;

    // other grid options ...

The following example demonstrates a custom group footer enablement. Note the following:

  • Group Footer is shown for the second level of groups
  • Group Footer is shown for the group called France
  • No Group Footers are shown for any other groups.

Example: Group Column Footers

To enable group footer for a particular row group column, you could do the following:

const gridOptions = {
    // adds a group footer to rows grouped by the country column
    groupIncludeFooter: (params) => params.node.rowGroupColumn.getId() === 'country',

    // other grid options ...

The following example demonstrates a custom group footer enablement for rows grouped by a country column. Note the following:

  • Group Footer is shown for rows grouped by the country column.
  • Group Footer are not shown for any other groups

By default, the footer will display the word 'Total' followed by the group key. However, this can be changed using the footerValueGetter supplied to the Group Cell Renderer params as shown below:

const gridOptions = {
    autoGroupColumnDef: { 
        cellRendererParams: {
            footerValueGetter: params =>  {
                const isRootLevel = params.node.level === -1;
                if (isRootLevel) {
                    return 'Grand Total';
                return `Sub Total (${params.value})`;

    // other grid options ...

Note in the snippet above that the footerValueGetter contains special handling to display Subtotals and Grand Totals differently. This is demonstrated in the example below.

In most cases Customising Footer Values is sufficient, however it is also possible to customise the footer cell using the innerCellRenderer supplied to the Group Cell Renderer params as shown below:

In the example below the innerRenderer contains special handling to display Grand Total, Subtotal and non-footer cells differently.

It is also possible to customise footer cells using: cellRendererParams.innerRendererSelector. For more details see the Group Cell Renderer section.

Group footers are a UI concept only in the grid. It is the grids way of showing aggregated data (which belongs to the group) appearing after the group's children. Because the footer is a UI concept only, the following should be noted:

  • It is not possible to select footer nodes. Footer rows appear selected when the group is selected.
  • When exporting custom footers to Excel/CSV, the processRowGroupCallback function of the export must be used to export the custom values.
  • When copying custom footers to the Clipboard, the processCellForClipboard function of the clipboard must be used to export the custom values.

Next Up

Continue to the next section to learn about Opening Groups.